Client Testimonial #1:
“Through my coaching session, Marissa took so much time to really help me understand more about my own health and the areas I wanted to focus on. The most encouraging part for me was how she helped me make some simple and attainable next steps towards better health. It was very personalized to my needs, personality, goals, and what has/hasn’t helped me in the past. It feels like such a relief to have someone help me through my health journey."
Client Testimonial #2:
“The insight I gained into my health during our session was invaluable. Marissa’s organization of my health plan was simple to follow and made my goals achievable.”
Client Testimonial #3:
“I had a wonderful experience working with Marissa. We quickly identified several small, but significant and manageable changes I needed to make in my daily life. Her ideas, advice, and accountability was exactly what I needed to start feeling better both physically and emotionally.”
Client Testimonial #4:
“During our recent coaching session, Marissa spent a significant amount of time listening to my health and wellness challenges. Asking questions she was able to gain a better understanding of the concerns I had. She was able to pinpoint specific actionable step I could take to make progress in those areas, and we worked together to set achievable goals.”
Client Testimonial #5:
“Marissa helped me to identify those areas in my life that caused me the most stress, and then implemented small, doable changes that have honestly made my weeks run so much smoother!”